
Girls Volleyball


 Middle School Girls Volleyball

Practices will be held twice a week at Decatur Recreation Center beginning the week of August 14. Games will be played on Saturdays. Participants will represent DPRD in the Premier Sportz Group (PSG) volleyball league. 


Registration: June 10-August 12 (or until spaces are filled)
Open Gym: TBD
Practices Begin: The week of August 14
Games Begin: Friday, August 22 (Jamboree); Season games begin September 9
Season Dates: August 14-October 21

$180 Decatur Resident/$215 Non-Resident 

Financial assistance available for City of Decatur Residents


Coaches Needed:  If you enjoy the game of volleyball and like working with young people, why not volunteer to coach. To qualify, all you have to do is complete the coach's application and the online NYSCA certification training. www.nays.org.

For more information contact Stacy Green; Stacy.Green@decaturga.com; 678-553-6549