Junior Police Academy

The Decatur Police Department hosts a week long “Junior Police Academy” during the summer and starting in 2016, an additional academy will be hosted during the City Schools of Decatur Fall Break.  JPA participants must be 11-14 years old.  Preference is given to city residents and students who attend schools located in the City of Decatur. 

The JPA program is designed to educate and enlighten youth about the functions and duties of their police department.  The JPA includes sessions on 911/Communications, Recruitment & Training, Weapons & Equipment, Use of Force, Traffic Safety & Enforcement, Drug Trends & Dangers, Criminal Investigations, Personal Safety & Crime Prevention and Physical Fitness.  Participants will also complete the Family & Friends® CPR course, conduct a traffic survey, complete 911 emergency call and crime scene/fingerprinting practical exercises as well as tour the City of Decatur police department and the DeKalb County Jail.  Lunch and refreshments are provided to participants each day. Participants who complete the academy will receive a certificate and a class t-shirt. There is no charge to attend.


Feedback from prior JPA participants:


“I had a lot of fun and learned many new things about police activities.”

“I had a lot of fun, I learned a lot and I wish I could go back.”

“I learned how to be a more safe and active member of the community.”

“The Junior Police Academy was cool and interesting.”

 “It was an enlightening and fun experience.”


For further information on the Junior Police Academy, please contact Sgt. John Bender, john.bender@decaturga.com or 678-553-6684.