City Maps & GIS

OneMap Decatur
Explore city data to look up parcels, determine zoning, view flood hazard zones and so much more.

Decatur's web-based mapping application, OneMap, provides basic map and search functions so users can explore city data. Here are a few of the benefits of OneMap:

  • Look-up by address, place, or parcel ID
  • Determine if a property is in the city limits
  • Determine a property’s zoning district
  • Determine if a property is in a historic district
  • View 25-50-75 ft. stream buffers
  • View flood hazard zones
  • Create, save and print maps

The City of Decatur geographic information system (GIS) includes maintenance of the city’s existing data sets, on-site staff support, creation of analytical maps, and integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. It allows us to visualize data in many ways to analyze patterns, trends or to plan for future infrastructure costs. 

See also: Web Apps and Story Maps

Send in suggestions of what you would like to see included. For more information about Decatur's GIS service, contact Angela Threadgill at 678-553-6575 or