COVID-19 Cases Are Rising: Protect Yourself and Others

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Georgia’s COVID-19 case rates are climbing following the holiday season. Recent data show that our current case rate per 100,000 residents in Georgia is the highest it has been since the start of the pandemic and at least 60% higher than the summer surge. In DeKalb County, the number of cases over the past 14 day period has increased 10% over the prior 14 day period, and in the 30030 zip code, the number of cases over the same period has increased 11.5% to 873 cases. 

As cases rise, ICU and hospital capacities are struggling to meet the demand. In our hospital region, over 88% of ICU beds are in use. If the situation continues to worsen, it will become harder for hospitals to provide care to every patient in need. As soon as you are eligible to receive the vaccine, schedule your appointment. 

Until you are eligible to receive the vaccine, continue to protect yourself and others by practicing the 3 W's: watch your space, wash your hands and wear a mask. Remember the people you want to gather with are likely the same people you want most to protect. Avoiding indoor gatherings now can keep you and others safe. 

The city of Decatur's mask ordinance remains in effect as does the Governor's Executive Order that requires specific safety measures by restaurants, bars, gyms and other indoor facilities.

The DeKalb Board of Health Vaccine Rollout is currently in Phase 1A+. Eligible groups in Phase 1A+ include:

  • Healthcare workers (physicians, nurses, laboratory technicians, EMS personnel, environmental services, etc.)
  • Residents and staff of long-term care facilities
  • Adults aged 65 and older and their caregivers as applicable
  • Law enforcement, firefighters, first responders

Those interested in additional information or appointment availability should visit Check the site regularly for updates regarding appointment availability.  Individuals without access to the internet or those with special needs can call 404-294-3700 to obtain assistance from a call center representative. Vaccines will be given by appointment only based on vaccine availability.

Learn more about the U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program: