Floyd Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Decatur

Reserve THE GOLD STANDARD IN BOXING FITNESS with Exclusive Pre-Opening Rates: An Inner Champion lives inside us all, waiting to be released. Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Decatur offers an authentic experience for those who want to learn from Floyd’s techniques and training regimens, while getting in the best shape of their lives in a high-intensity group fitness setting. Become part of our tight-knit community, and build the strength, confidence and passion needed to triumph in any fight that life presents. We are an all inclusive, high-intensity fitness experience developed by the Champ himself. Formulated with the perfect combination of boxing, strength and cardio conditioning intervals designed to enhance your human performance and leave you with more than just a great sweat. Contact us today to reserve your spot and be placed on our exclusive but very limited VIP WAIT LIST! In the meantime check out the special messages from our Chairman Floyd Mayweather Jr. Floyd Mayweather invite: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6fuxdoq38ikt0m/VIP%20INVITE.mov?dl=0 Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Across the country: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsshonl250i2a1h/Floyd%20PM.mov?dl=0 Live Undefeated!
Phone Number: 
(404) 954-0718