
MyDecaturGa is the city’s new service that makes it easy for residents, visitors and business owners to report animal complaints, car seat safety check request, cemetery issues, city facilities maintenance issues, city trees and park maintenance request, code violations, feedback on staff or service, fire inspection requests, graffiti, missed sanitation collection, out-of-town house check requests, parking issues, potholes and sidewalks. 


Get the App!

The free MyDecaturGa mobile app also features useful information such as lists of restaurants and city parks as well as links to the city’s blog, Facebook page and Twitter account. 

Anyone can create a login and report an issue, or download the free app from the Apple or Google Play stores by searching for “MyDecaturGa.” Users can provide location, descriptive, and photographic information and can create their own “watch areas” to receive notifications about all issues reported and then follow the progress of all service requests, not just the ones they report. Additionally, people can view, comment on and vote to fix problems submitted by other users. Once someone submits an issue, City of Decatur staff and anyone ‘watching’ the area will receive an alert. Then, a City of Decatur employee will acknowledge the service request, and update the request once it’s been resolved. Everyone watching an issue will be able to see each step of the process as it happens. 

Encountering a problem with entering information into the system? Not to worry. Contact Facilities Superintendent Felix Floyd at felix.floyd [at] or 404-377-5571. If it's after business hours, you may also contact SeeClickFix customer support at support [at] or 800-369-9060.

NOTE: The web version of the SeeClickFix system works best in Google Chrome browser.